As one of the fastest growing firms committed to setting new standards in justice delivery for individuals, corporates and societies, we are always seeking industrious, creative and entrepreneurial lawyers who share our enthusiasm for excellence in service, innovation and professional ethic.
At Talekar and Associates, lawyers and other professionals have the opportunity to work on innovative solutions and cutting edge legal challenges within a system that fosters collaboration and meritocracy. Talekar and Associates is devoted to building strong practices and niche expertise in all areas of dispute settlement mechanisms.
Dedicated training in all core skills required in the profession, from power dressing to effective Advocacy is conducted for 6 weeks and the Associates are assigned mentors in varied expertise areas for 3 month period before conversion into permanent Associate position. There is a horizontal working structure with high autonomy to Associates to choose the cases they want to work on as well as diversify firm portfolio through business and knowledge development.
From junior associates to senior partners, each professional is encouraged to take responsibility, and provided with numerous career opportunities and mentorship to achieve them. Our internship program provides young professionals aiming to pursue a career in law with the exposure to diverse areas of law, multi-disciplinary training and inculcates in them an attitude of strong discipline and work ethic.
At T&A we have an unique program for young professionals looking to work in a law firm prior to or along with pursuing the law course. It provides them with an exposure to the profession and an opportunity of skill building before joining the profession. Paralegals are trained to handle client pre- consultations and undertake research and drafting tasks.
Talekar and Associates is committed to creating opportunities for the best and the brightest law students. Our traineeship Program is designed to provide exceptional students with an intense training program to hone their skills and knowledge in order to prepare them for a career in law, as a pre-placement training in the last semester of college.
Talekar and Associates organises annual National litigation workshops to train the brightest 100 law students in all core skills required in litigation including advocacy, client consultation, research and drafting. Apart from practical training, the workshop provides an orientation to litigation, helping students break myths about the available vistas and make an informed career choice.
Why work with us?
You don’t have to wait for a decade to do interesting work

Meet Us
If you believe that you possess necessary qualities to thrive in our firm but feel uncertain about the opportunities we offer, please contact us. Our lawyers and professionals are excited to share their broad perspective and thorough understanding of law and business to help you find the right career path.
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At Talekar and Associates we believe in deriving joy in working, and our dedication for spending tireless hours striving for perfection, is not only owing to the quality of work and mentorship but the strong family bonding we share with the team. There are fun activities undertaken every week with board game nights, badminton/basketball matches, treks, taj breakfasts, paintball, movies, picnics, and so much more! Birthdays are celebrated with zest and so also most festivals including ganpati, dussehra, eid and christmas.
The open door policy and flexibility in timings with the core team and easy access to files and independent client handling and drafting gives much autonomy to our lawyers. We are very selective in our recruitment to only bring in teamplayers who would be a pleasure to take on the world with. The rich collection of books and the gentle goading to stretch one's limits always expands the horizons for all those who join us. When you join T&A, you do not join a law firm, you join our family!